Sunday, November 13, 2016

Day 2

Another day, another task.
Day 2: clear any unecessary data from phone.
thinking back to when I got my phone, I have never really cleared things I didn't need. I've been whording  all this excess junk, thinking I don't need to clean it because I still have a lot of space on it.

For the most part, deleting the apps were not a hassle. It was very easy to identify the ones I was never going to use again. After completely rushing through my phone, I've noticed that some apps have not been opened for 3+ years! Those were the first ones to go. I also noticed that some apps were not appropriately sorted into the proper folders, making me unaware of their presence, leading to me never using them. Now with social media apps all in one folder, I can now total the amount of incoming notifications I have instead of having 5 apps with their own notifications.

I didn't just delete apps on the phone. I even went as far as deleting unnecessary app data. This data included old notes, random pictures, screenshots, and videos, unlistened to / duplicates in my music, and any no longer needed files. Sometimes it was hard to delete the data as you never know if you needed it again, or if you will ever find that perfect opportunity to use that meme again.

After the process, I actually cleared about 1.1 GB off my phone(that's a lot of dank memes). I didn't notice a huge difference from before but everything did seem a little uncluttered and more organized which was astetically pleasing. Consolidating the social media apps has given me a very good overlook on how many incoming messages and notifications I have, however, it has become a  nuisance when it comes to accessing them. Opening a folder took extra time and didn't allow me to know where the notifications came from. In the end, usually search apps I use less frequently on the search bar. The cleansing of data has given me a better sense of what I have and where things are and will encourage me to continue the trend of having the phone organized. Mild OCD when it comes to this.

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